Pokemon (1997) Subtitles 'LINK'
Languages Available in: The download links above has Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon) Season 1: Indigo Leaguesubtitles in Arabic, English, Farsi Persian, Japanese, Norwegian, Turkish, Vietnamese Languages.
Pokemon (1997) subtitles
Pokémon is currently available for streaming on Netflix in 216 regions and countries with different dubs and subtitles; all countries have at least English audio.[37] Pokémon was globally one of the most widely watched shows on Netflix, as of 2016.[6] It is also available on Hulu (in the United States and Japan), and Amazon Prime Video (in the United States,[38] United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and Austria). From when the series made its home on Disney XD, as much as every in-circulation episode was available on Watch Disney XD and later DisneyNOW in the United States[39] until February 2022.[40] Netflix removed the Sun & Moon series, I Choose You!, and The Power of Us at the end of March 2022, leaving only the first season and the seasons and movies released exclusively to the platform.[41] Content is also available on the Pokémon TV app and website.[42][43]
Once the stormfrom the Gyarados' Dragon Rage subsides, our heroes find themselves onan unknown island. After everyone gets their bearings, Satoshidiscovers that all but two of his Monster Balls are missing! Elsewhereon the island, Satoshi's Pikachu, Hitokage, Zenigame, andFushigidane wander around, trying to find their master. Theyeventually run into Musashi's and Kojirou's pokemon who, after refusingto battle because their masters aren't there, decide to help the othersfind their trainers. That night, loud growlings can be heard,and before long our heroes discover that the island is home to anassortment of giant pokemon! The next day, Musashi and Kojirou,who had been hiding out in a phone booth the entire time, are chased byone of these giant pokemon. They eventually flee to a rollercoaster where, by pure chance, they run into Satoshi and hisfriends. As the cart careens through the island, Pikachu and theothers emerge from a forest and catch up with their trainers.Eventually, their mine cart jumps a ramp and crashes into a giantThunder, an event that reveals that the giant pokemon are all giantrobots who were part of the theme park Pockemon Land. The robotsall get destroyed, saving Satoshi and his friends from furtherrampaging. Now that everyone is reunited with their pokemon, theywander into Aopulco, a resort town that happens to be on the sameisland. Will Satoshi find his way back to the path to being aPokemon Master? To be continued!
ThoughtsSo this episode isthe famous "subtitled pokemon" episode. It feels kind of weirdthat they'd do an episode like this so early in the series and thennever do another one ever again, especially since it seems like themajority of thefandom really dug it. Strange.
One thing that'sinteresting to me is that neither Pidgeotto nor Butterfree get to joinin on the fun. Same with Kasumi's and Takeshi's pokemon. Did theanimators just not have the budget to animate a huge group of pokemon likethat? Or did they think that those pokemon would be boring andwouldn't really add anything to the group dynamic? It's a shamewe never really got a sequel to this episode while the "original three"are still around because I think it wouldhave been neat to see what kinds of personalities the writers wouldhave given them.
The dubbedversion actually translates the subtitles very well, so there's reallynothing in that respect that I could complain about. I hadactually entertained the idea of posting images of all the Japanesesubtitles and all the American subtitles, but when I realized that thatwould require me to take over 140 screencaps (70+ for the Japaneseversion, 70+ for the dub), I pretty much decided that you guys can dowithout. Sorry. Apparently, some of the foreign dubs thatuse 4Kids' modified footage also kept the English subtitles, so theyhad to end up having the pokemon actually speak to each other in humanlanguage instead. Weird.
Throughout theepisode, there are moments where the subtitles will simply consist ofnothing but ellipses or question marks. While word balloons withnothing but these simple punctuation marks are used in Japanese comics all the time, the same can't besaid for American comics. So, 4Kids just removedthem.
The Japanesesubtitles also give a hint at something that the English subtitles donot; pokemon genders. The Japanese language has a bunch ofdifferent words to express first person pronouns (I, we, me, us, etc.),and a lot of the time, the pronoun used depends on the speaker'sgender. Words like bokuand ore, for example, areoften used by men while atashiisused by women. A person using a pronoun that doesn't fit in withtheir gender can have certain connotations; men who use atashi are typically stereotyped asbeing effeminate while women who use bokuare seen as being tomboyish.
Now these don'tnecessarily mean that all of these pokemon are, without a shadow of adoubt, male. But the evidence is pretty darn convincing. Ifany of these pokemon were meant to be female, then the fact that theyuse ore or boku would make them tomboyish, andI seriously doubt that's what the show's producers had in mind whenassigning them personal pronouns.
Next, we see thepokemon kind of sitting around the table and eating. We seeDogars and Arbo crying, and then we see Fushigidane (who seems to bedrunk) arguing with Zenigame as Nyarth sleeps in the foreground (who,judging by the blush on his face, is also drunk). Next, we seeArbo crying to Pikachu as Yadoran fans itself in front of the hotstove.
Next, we see theexterior shot of the odenstand again. In the dub, the camera just sort of zooms out untilthe scene ends, resulting in one of the weirdest, most nonsensicalscenes of the episode. In the Japanese version, however, we getsubtitles that, for whatever reason, weren't translated in thedub.
There doesn'tseem to be any real flow to anything, is there? I'm guessing thatwhat these subtitles are supposed to be are random snippets from thevarious conversations going on at the same time. 4Kids probablyfelt that these were all too random to translate and couldn't bebothered to just up and rewrite the whole scene, so they just removedthe subtitles altogether. I'm guessing the drunk-ish dialoguehere didn'thelp, either.
The sign backthere was written before the Japanese producers settled on"Pokémon" astheir romanization of the show's title creatures. Spellingpokemon with a c in it does make some amount of sense (Pocket Monsters as opposed to Pocket Monsters), but, as we allknow, they eventually settled on the Pokémon romanizationinstead.
As of the end of March 2022, the anime has aired in 192[1] different countries and regions in over 30 languages. It is available on Netflix in 217 countries with different dubs and subtitles, and all countries except Japan and South Korea have at least English audio.[2]
However, not all game creators and companies have been dismissive in their attitudes to the community. There is also growing media coverage on the positive steps that game creators are taking to make their games more widely accessible. This includes accessibility features such as the option of control remapping, adjustable difficulty levels, options for people who suffer from colour blindness or motion sickness, subtitles or closed captions, and even the simple ability to pause action (Chan, 2018; Clarke, 2018; Frank, 2018; Gaddes, 2018; Gwaltney, 2017; Kuchera, 2010; McKeand, 2015; Sarkar, 2016; Yin-Poole, 2016b). These efforts have been supported by community-led initiatives such as: AbleGamers, 041b061a72